Company Profile - Concept

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From Garden to Landscape

I think it is probably true to say that in the beginning, there was a garden because when a garden is made, a small, rational floating island is created in a large ocean-like world. By this, I mean, the garden is created for its unique qualities in a place and stands in that place surrounded by a seamless world. However, gardens are impossible without gardeners. They try to make a place of their own, an abstract world but they can in fact do very little. They know that it will require a lot of effort on a daily basis to insure the upkeep of the garden. They are at one with their garden but they also have sufficient time to view it as a piece of their own work.

Landscape is really a seamless world in itself. It is of course an extension of the garden that someone has grown to know and love, but it is a completely different realm in which impact results in parity due to countless other people. Its existence is probably greater than all the people involved including the gardener himself. Gardens are made in an undifferentiated world and the landscape emerges around them. Gardens are man's stronghold and closely resemble the word in this respect. The word produces a consciousness or human stronghold just in the same way as it yields the vast unconscious world beyond its boundaries.

We are now turning our attention towards the outside. Having grown fat on our technical know how, our bodies are, in a manner of speaking, bursting out beyond the garden. As a group, we are undoubtedly churning up the landscape but I am afraid that we as individuals are rarely aware of the fact. It is new territory for us and the relationship between individuals and the landscape is as yet fragmentary so there is probably very little that we can do about our somewhat strangely unbalanced looking work.

When we started thinking about landscape design, gardens took on a new meaning for us. It taught us many things about methods that give rise to unique features as links in the seamless world. However, this uniqueness which we try to realize, should not serve as a fortress for us to escape into but it is just one weapon at our disposal to add to the overall image of the landscape. It is not a closed garden but one that spins out a new relationship. It is a garden used as a tool for landscape design. Having worked out a scheme, we then start working on the landscape, the overall image shifts to a new direction due to controversy. This trend is not due to the structure of the new form but it always has something to do with the change in shape or appearance of what is already there. Furthermore, the final form does not end here. I think that this is probably where the secret of designing landscape lies. However, this game is not confined solely to the garden itself. Everything that exists there or bears some relationship with it becomes a stone to create a ripple on the landscape.

(Hiroki Hasegawa)





